Overall Strategy
We emphasize the importance of the person. Blue Sea strives to stand outside the “programmatic” approach to education. Instead, we emphasize the importance of the person. As a provider, you become part of the Blue Sea Family. As a student or parent, we work diligently to personalize our approaches enhancing your educational journey, helping students reach their goals and aspirations in a way that is meaningful and empowering.
Blue Sea is a company designed by seasoned professionals in the field. Designed by professionals for professionals, we work together diligently, with passion and true integration, to achieve positive and measurable results for the students we serve. Our family of providers is the vehicle through which best practices meet and inform the clinical and educational “front lines.”
We encourage professional development. Blue Sea is affiliated with many Colleges and Universities reflecting our belief that continuous training and professional development is the ‘sine qua non’ to our overall success.
CHARACTER & VALUES Finding the sometimes-elusive balance between “warm and demanding” is a challenge we make to ourselves every day. We recognize one cannot exist without the other, and the students and families we serve deserve no less.
PREVENTIVE APPROACH We believe the problem avoided in the first place is the one less likely to occur in the future. “Preventive Practices” finds an analogy in Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports becoming more prevalent in better performing schools nationally.
TEAMWORK A culture of “teamwork” permeates our approach as we understand children succeed in education when all stakeholders, including families, teachers, administrators, and clinical professionals, work together strategically, meaningfully and effectively.
HIGH EXPECTATIONS Research tells us that our expectations early in life often influence the degree to which we actually achieve later on. We have high expectations for the students we serve, as well as for ourselves as professionals. A goal so established often determines the outcome, and great care is taken to ensure high standards permeate everything we do.
Professional Collaborative
Blue Sea is a “Professional Collaborative.” We are a team of professionals with an inter-related and shared passion for education. We understand that ‘people’ are our core competency, and that we exist to change the lives of students.
We are Teachers, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Behavior Intervention Specialists, Social Workers, Parents and more. We continuously self-inform and self-improve,” and collaborate professionally and innovatively. Continuous process improvement is our mantra.
Our values attract like-minded professionals who share a culture of teamwork, accountability and ownership.
Founder’s Message
I recall walking through the halls of a local elementary school, and crossing paths with a young student to whom I was introduced several months before. Our Company had been contacted by the school to intervene on his behalf because his behaviors were out of control and learning had come to a virtual standstill. His teacher, the school’s administrator and the student’s parents were at wits’ end, not knowing what to do… where to turn. I was fortunate enough to have a team of highly qualified and dedicated professionals to intervene on his behalf. A flurry of intensive activity ensued.
Within a short time, our “professional collaborative” designed and implemented an educational program that enabled our friend to remain in his educational setting. Several months later I found myself back at the same school, and saw a familiar face coming in my direction. As I walked past acknowledging him with a smile, he paused and said to me, “I thought you were going to come and see me again.” Tears welled up in my eyes, and I leaned into him and said, “Yes, I will come and see you this week. I am glad you are doing so well, and I am very proud of you.” He smiled and resumed on to his destination.
This was one of those rare and confirming moments in my lifetime. I made a decision years before to steer my career in a new and especially meaningful direction… to serve children in education. My decision was not only vindicated… it was validated. Blue Sea represents a manifestation of my personal journey toward a destination shared with like-minded professionals.

Nicholas Mortati
Blue Sea Educational Consulting, Inc.